Entre chien et loup


The Ditch

Drama : 108', 2011
Directed by Wang Bing
With : Ye Lu - Renjun Lian - Cenzi Xu - Haoyu Yang - Zhengwu Cheng - Niansong Jing - Xianghnian Li
At the end of the 1950s, the Chinese government condemned thousands of citizens - considered ‘right wing dissidents’ due their past activities, criticisms of the Communist Party or simply their middle-class backgrounds and families - to forced labour camps. Deported for re-education to the north-west of the country, in the middle of the Gobi Desert, thousands of miles from their families, they encountered conditions of absolute destitution. As a result of backbreaking physical labour, an unrelentingly extreme climate and the most meager of provisions, many of them perished. The Ditch recounts their fate - an unflinching account of the very extremes of the human condition. Based on “Goodbye, Jiabiangou”, a novel by YANG Xianhui, and on testimony by TI Zhongzheng and the other survivors.


Bing Wang


Bing Wang

Directeur de la photo

Lu Sheng

Ingénieur du son

Ren Liang

Directeur artistique

Bao Lige

Directeur artistique

Xiang Honghui

Créateur des costumes

Wang Fuzheng

Monteur image

Dozo Marie-Hélène

Monteur son

Laurent Gilles

Monteur son

Ledocte Valérie

Monteur son

Fu Kang


Schillings Michel

Key cast

Lu Ye

Key cast

Lian Renjun

Key cast

Xu Cenzi

Key cast

Yang Haoyu

Key cast

Cheng Zhengwu

Key cast

Jing Niansong

Key cast

Li Xianghnian


Entre Chien et Loup


Wil Productions


Les Films de l'Etranger


Capricci Films

Ventes internationales

Wild Bunch


Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)
Festivals and awards


Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica - Biennale Venezia - Italie

Toronto International Film Festival - Canada

Pusan - Corée du Sud

Abu Dhabi - Emirats Arabes Unis

Festival du nouveau cinéma - Canada

Mostra de Sao Paulo - Brésil

Stockholm International Film Festival - Suède

Festival des trois continents à Nantes - France

Talinn black nights film fest - Estonie Tokyo Clockworx - Japon


Festival des droits humains à Genève - Suisse

Hong Kong Film Festival - Chine

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Espagne

Era new horizons IFF - Pologne

Munich Film Festival - Allemagne

Sydney Film Festival - Australie

Cinema South Festival - Israël

Mirror International Film Festival - Russie

Febiofest - République tchèque

San Sebastian - Espagne

In theaters


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